Ysella Sims

Letting story speak

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It’s here! Tell Me Something – the Poetic Licence podcast

We were bowled over by the quality of submissions we received for the inaugural episode of the Tell Me Something podcast. We’ve collected them together and woven your poems and sounds to create an immersive sound journey.

Find your safe space, close your eyes and hit play…

Episode One

A Poetic Licence Podcast

1.Philip Robinson & Anne – Blanket on the ground
Words written & read by Anne as part of The Citizen Soundscape creative writing project, composer Chris Dooks, writer Eleanor Thom, music improvised & played live by Philip Robinson

2. Clare Morris – Still

3. Kerry Priest – Belly

4. Peter Cowlam – Faustina

5. Delia Pring – At West Hoe Pier

6. Jack Oakley – The Journey

7. Harula Ladd – Making Family

8. Robert Garnham – Poem 

9. Margaret Adkins – Poem to the woman with grey hair

10. Tim King – And so to bed

11. Paula Kovacks – Survivor’s Song

Artwork by Nigel Bird 

Thanks to Polly Cox and Si Egan for contributing sounds

If you’d like to get involved with the next episode email MP3 or WAV audiofiles to TellMeSomethingSounds@gmail.com

Created, produced and hosted by Ysella Sims

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